Hochzeitsbecher von Murr

Moderatoren: Hans T., Nils B., Turms Kreutzfeldt, Chris, ulfr

Baerbel Hammes

Hochzeitsbecher von Murr

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Kelvin Wilson hat geschrieben:Dear people,

The socalled 'Hochzeitsbecher von Murr' shows a probable man and woman with their arms interlocked. They are both wearing long garments, a rare insight into the costumes of neolithic Münchshöfen culture. Go to http://www.archaeologischer-verein-lkr-freising.de/ and click on the logo (top left) for more information and pictures.

But... I have just read that "Auf der Unterseite des Bechers ist ebenfalls eine Person eingeritzt"
Does anyone have a picture of this third figure? And can anybody tell me where to find the publication of the 'Hochzeitsbecher'?

Curious :-)

Kelvin Wilson

Thomas Trauner hat geschrieben:Hy Kelvin and all,

that "wedding-beaker" is published in:
Heft 5, Archäologie im Landkreis Freising, 1996.

It?s still available.
You may order it from:

Archäologischer Verein Freising,
Ganzenmüllerstr. 25 a
85354 Freising.

The price is 10,00 ¤
(Sorry, I haven?t got any information if its incl. p&p or not.)

Hope I was a help.

Thomas T.

Kelvin Wilson hat geschrieben:Yes, a great help. I'll go about ordering it immediatly.

