Dafür bekam ich eine Antwort von einem Freund aus den USA, einem professionellen Bogenbauer und -sammler, dem ich die Bilder und Beschreibung ebenfalls geschickt hatte.
Werde das Material mal an H. Wiethase weiterleiten, den Experten für afrikanische Pfeile und Bögen.have owned one of these bows for twenty years. Got it in a trade. A total enigma. But earlier this year I acquired two complete sets, bows, arrows and quivers from a man in the oil business who bought them from the market in CHAD, Africa. I would not be surprised if the bows are bamboo. The arrows are cane or grass with needle sharp points and no fletchings. My supposition is that the originals were poisoned. This poison works subcutaneously so a deep flesh wound is not desirable.