Tagung "in Situ Rekonstruktionen" 10.12. Maerz, in

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Tagung "in Situ Rekonstruktionen" 10.12. Maerz, in

Beitrag von Roeland Paardekooper »

6, Internationale Archaeologische Tagung von Calafell
[[Tagungssprachen sind Englisch und Katalanisch]]

Interpretation spaces for archaeological heritage: discussions about in situ reconstructions
17th EXARC Annual Meeting
Calafell, Catalonia, 10-12 March 2011
We are pleased to invite you to this convention about on site reconstructions. It is organised by the Ciutadella Ibèrica - Ajuntament de Calafell, Universitat de Barcelona (UB), Institut Català d'Arqueologia Clàssica (ICAC) and EXARC. We offer you a programme of 3 days with 20 presentations. Please let the program speak for itself. More information: http://www.calafell.cat & http://www.exarc.net/about_us/next_meeting.html

Benvinguts, Welcome!

The organisation committee
Dra. Maria Carme Belarte Franco (ICREA-ICAC, Catalonia)
Dr. Joan Santacana Mestre (Universitat de Barcelona, Catalonia)
Mr. Roeland P. Paardekooper MA (EXARC)
Dra. Clara Masriera Esquerra (Ciutadella Ibèrica de Calafell, Catalonia)

- Places are limited so early booking is recommended
- Places are not confirmed until payment is received
- The meeting will take place in the beach hall of the town hall of Calafell: Carrer Sant Pere 27-29, Calafell, Catalonia, Spain
- Simultaneous translation service English-Catalan & Catalan-English