MOOC “How to make prehistoric stone tools speak”

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MOOC “How to make prehistoric stone tools speak”

Beitrag von ulfr »

Hier eine Anküdigung eines MOOC (massive open online course) von Jaques Pelegrin:

« Comment faire parler les pierres taillées de la Préhistoire »

“How to make prehistoric stone tools speak”

Authored by J. Pelegrin and filmed by Vanessa Tubiana (CNRS), this MOOC includes, following a brief introductive session, four main sessions (about one hour each) to be viewed across five weeks.

It presents archaeological material from the MAN (Musée d’Archéologie National, Saint-Germain-en-Laye), methodological principles, high-quality filmed and commented sequences of illustrative knapping, and interpretative discussions about the most important stone tools in Prehistory (Paleo- and Neolithic).

Produced by the University Paris-Nanterre within the University Paris-Lumière, with European funds (FEDER Project), it was originally published in French in 2019 on the "FUN » numeric platform (FUN = France Université Numérique) and received about 2500 followers.
A new edition was proposed in 2020 with English subtitles (about 2200 followers).

This year, a third edition will soon be released. The English translation has been completed, including introductive texts, abstracts and advice. The same has been done for Spanish and Portuguese/Brazilian students, with special care regarding the lithic terminology.

The quiz, which allows validation, remains in French, but the Forum will be managed by Marine Benoit, an English-speaking Doctoral student working with J. Pelegrin.

To follow, week by week, the five sessions of the MOOC (one introductive then four main sessions), one must register (“inscription”: to inform the FUN platform about attendance), but access is free.

After this third and last edition, the MOOC might become accessible, but we don’t yet know where and when.

We hope that some of your students interested in Lithic technology/typology will appreciate it.

The MOOC will start on march 8, lasting for five weeks, and ending on april 23, 2021.

Registration (inscription): ... on03/about

Please inform potentially interested colleagues of yours.

Best regards

Jacques Pelegrin

Senior researcher, lab. « Préhistoire et Technologie » (UMR 7055)

CNRS et Université Paris-Nanterre
"Wenn Sie stolz sein wollen auf Ihr Volk, dann empfehle ich Ihnen den Beruf des Imkers".
Hubertus Meyer-Burckhardt
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Registriert: 17.11.2007 17:38
Wohnort: Hamburg

Re: MOOC “How to make prehistoric stone tools speak”

Beitrag von Blattspitze »

"Wie man Steine zum Sprechen bringt"? Das wäre ja eine Sensation! Steine haben mich schon geschnitten, sind mir auf den Fuß gefallen, zum Brechen habe ich sie schon gebracht, aber sowas - Ich glaube, die übertreiben schamlos!
:neandi: :keil:

Könnte ein bisschen so wie das sein: ... rin#p58855
"Was an der Unverschämtheit des Heute
gegenüber der Vergangenheit tröstet, ist die
vorhersehbare Unverschämtheit der Zukunft
gegenüber dem Heute." Nicolás Gómez Dávila

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