Exarc Journal Issue 2021/4

Moderatoren: Sculpteur, Hans T., Nils B., Turms Kreutzfeldt, Chris, ulfr

Beiträge: 2572
Registriert: 17.11.2007 17:38
Wohnort: Hamburg

Exarc Journal Issue 2021/4

Beitrag von Blattspitze »

Neues von der Forums-Mutti:
Exp.-Arch. Themen zu Nachhaltigkeit, Flöten, Klebstoffen, Textilien, Grubenhäusern, Geweih-, Knochen- und Kupferverarbeitung u.a.
- Ancient Technologies in Contexts of the Sustainable Development Goals
- Ancient Greek Weaving, Experimental Archeology on Greek Textiles and Household GDP
- A Proposed New Appearance of the Iron Stand from Sutton Hoo, Based on Existing Material
- Birch Bark Glue and its Potential Use in Neanderthal Clothing: A Pilot Study
- Roman Bone Artefacts – First Steps Towards a New Approach
- Hoes or Adzes? Experimental Reproduction and Uses of Deer Antler Tools from the Bronze Age Terramara of Pragatto (Italy)
- Beeswax an Addition to the Production of European Stone Age Adhesives
- A Singing Bone from the Mätäjärvi (‘Rotten Lake’) Quarter of Medieval Turku, Finland: Experimental Reconstructions and Contemporary Musical Exploration
- Before They Dyed. Mordants and Assists in the Textile Dyeing Process in Anglo-Saxon and Anglo-Scandinavian Britain: An Experimental Approach
- Bone Pipes with Parallel Tone Holes. Materials from Medieval Poland (until the End of the 12th C)
- Shedding New Light on the Pure Copper Metallurgy of the Chalcolithic Southern Levant Through an Archaeological Experiment
- Early Medieval Bone Pipes: Understanding the Sounds of These Instruments through Reconstruction
- Approaches to Experimental Pit House Reconstructions in the Japanese Central Highlands: Architectural History, Community Archaeology and Ethnology
"Was an der Unverschämtheit des Heute
gegenüber der Vergangenheit tröstet, ist die
vorhersehbare Unverschämtheit der Zukunft
gegenüber dem Heute." Nicolás Gómez Dávila