Historische Steinbearbeitung nach altägyptischen Vorbildern

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Re: Historische Steinbearbeitung nach altägyptischen Vorbild

Beitrag von Sculpteur »

Dieses Thema wird grundlegend editiert was eine weile in Anspruch nehmen kann. Vor Postings im thema bitte nach Möglichkeit während des Editiervorgangs absehen. Danke.

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This topic is undergoing major editing, which may take a while. If possible, please refrain from postings in the topic during the editing process. Thank you.


Ehemals S. 7:
Vielen Dank, auch für die sehr interessante Quelle.
Ja, das ist ein Kurbelbohrer mit in Netzen angehängten Gewichten und unterem gegabeltem Ende zur Aufnahme von Bohrköpfen aus Stein - wie sie auch in der von Dir genannten Quelle und bei [Stocks, 2013] thematisiert werden. An einen solchen Kurbelbohrer ließen sich theoretisch und praktisch aber auch Kupferröhren arretieren, womit er zum Hohlbohrer werden würde.

Sofern ich mich gerade erinnerungsgemäß nicht irre geht Stocks von "Schwunggewichten" aus (vielleicht verwechsle ich den Zusammenhang gerade aber auch mit der von Stocks besprochenen Seilherstellung der alten Ägypter). Der Nutzen dieser Gewichte als fixer Aufdruckkraft ist jedoch unbestreitbar (wahrscheinlich ist von einer Kombi der Effekte auszugehen).

Interessant im Hinblick auf scheibenförmige bzw. trommelförmige Gewichte o.ä. wäre m.E. in Versuchen noch zu erörtern, ob oberhalb oder unterhalb eines Bohrerschafts positionierte Gewichte für bestimmte Einsatzzwecke effektiver sind.

Ich habe zu dieser Art von Bohrgeräten auch noch eine andere Theorie entwickelt (die nicht neu sein muss, dazu habe ich bisher jedoch in Quellen nichts gefunden):
Die Astgabelung solcher Bohrer diente nach meiner Theorie alternativ auch dazu, ein innen (ggf. nur ansatzweise) ausgehöhltes Gefäß aufzuklemmen, um es mit rotierender Bewegung außen in einem entsprechend präparierten Untergrund bzw. einer entsprechenden Aufnahme zu beschleifen (siehe meine Versuche, den auf einen Kurbelbohrerschaft aufgeklemmten Gefäßrohling in einem engen Gefäß in Quarzsand rotierend zu beschleifen).
Wenn ich mich nicht irre gibt es eine altägyptische Hieroglyphe die so aussieht, als würde ein Kurbelbohrer ins Erdreich reichen (horizontaler Strich in der Hieroglyphe im Bereich der Gabelung).
Technisch wäre das beschriebene Prozedere erfahrungsgemäß möglich und Vorversuche zum Thema hatte ich mir bereits seit längerem vorgenommen. Außerdem wäre es auch für Aushöhlarbeiten von steinernen Gefäßen zweckmäßig, anzunehmen dass die alten Ägypter die Gefäße hierfür im Erdreich einbuddelten und damit für die Beschleifung fixierten.
Es gibt auch direkte moderne ägyptische Vorbilder für in etwa affine Herangehensweisen (Nachweise zu dieser Aussage wären von mir noch rauszusuchen).


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The documentation of the previous series of preliminary tests and my intention to sign aesthetically (and to meet my requirements) and date the small stone vase with a lid made of Baumberger sandlimestone, which was made in the last few weeks, in a way that is also interesting for me from an artistic and experimental archeological point of view due to the past heat wave, due to missing equipment that still has to be organized and due to handicraft skills that still have to be developed (chasing), took more time than originally planned.
Since I want and have to use the summer for "outdoor work", I am therefore postponing the signing and dating work as well as the surveying work on the little vase with a lid made of Baumberger sand-lime brick (probably) to the coming autumn and winter (but possibly also to an earlier possible date). ).

In the last few weeks I have started another series of preliminary tests at the same time. This series of preliminary tests is about my intention one day - if possible due to the overall conditions - to reconstruct the so-called Sabu disc.
Often referred to as an "Out Of Place Artifact" (OOP Artifact), the Sabu Disk is an ancient Egyptian work piece with very special characteristics. In particular, the thin-walled and filigree nature of the Sabu disc is a major challenge with regard to the processing options for soft stone (but of course nothing generally impossible for a suitably qualified or experienced craftsman, otherwise the Sabu disc would not exist).

For the reasons mentioned, I will therefore make this series of topics a little more dynamic and first devote myself to the preliminary test on the subject of the one day planned reconstruction of the Sabu disc and insert interim thrusts on the previous series of preliminary tests (small vase with a lid made of Baumberger sandlimestone) as soon as there is news on this.

In the series of preliminary tests that have started, I am initially not concerned with the planned production of a copy of the Sabu disc that is as true to the original as possible (scaled down) but with a general testing of the possibilities of "turning off" structures that are as filigree as possible in the style of the Sabu disc on a workpiece made of soft stone that is attached to a two-point bearing axle " to produce.

QUELLEN / Sources:
Bibliografische Angaben für „Sabu-Scheibe“
Seitentitel: Sabu-Scheibe
Herausgeber: Wikipedia – Die freie Enzyklopädie.
Autor(en): Wikipedia-Autoren, siehe Versionsgeschichte
Datum der letzten Bearbeitung: 1. März 2023, 00:38 UTC
Versions-ID der Seite: 231356332
Permanentlink: https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?ti ... =231356332
Datum des Abrufs: 6. Juli 2023, 17:33 UTC

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Vorbereiteter Rohling für Vorversuch zur Rekonstruktion der Sabuscheibe.
Bildrechte: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023


A blank made from Baumberger sandlimestone for the planned series of preliminary tests for the one day planned reconstruction of the Sabu disc.

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Preliminary test for the planned reconstruction of the Sabu disc: Production of an approximation model from Baumberger sandlimestone

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Eventuell erfolgende inhaltliche Änderungen und Korrekturen können jederzeit durch mich erfolgen und werden von mir nicht jeweils explizit dokumentiert.
Trotz sorgfältiger Prüfung durch mich als Ersteller von Inhalten gilt: Die Nutzung der sämtlichen hier erstellten inhalte erfolgt ausschließlich auf eigenenes Risiko (gilt insbesondere für entgangenen Gewinn und für sämtliche vorstellbaren, aus der Rezipierung und Nutzung der hier präsentierten inhalte möglichen Folgen)! Inhaltliche Fehler, Logikfehler und z.B. Übersetzungsfehler in der Dokumentation sind trotz sorgfältiger Prüfung des Verfassers nicht ausgeschlossen.
Im Zusammenhang mit dieser Dokumentation verwendete Internetadressen im Rahmen der Zitierpflicht und des wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens stellen per Definiton ausdrücklich keine Linkempfehlungen dar: Die bloße Anführung von Internetadressen als Quellen im Zusammenhang mit dieser Gesamt-Dokumentation (die in ihrer Abfolge durch Posts anderer Forenmitglieder unterbrochen werden kann) bedeutet nicht zwangsläufig, dass der Verfasser die sämtlichen Inhalte von zitierten Internetadressen (dazu gehören z.B. Ansichten von Autoren und deren verbreitete Theorien) automatisch teilt. Deshalb gilt: Jede Verwendung der im Zusammenhang mit dieser Gesamtdokumentation zitierten Internetquellen ausschließlich auf eigenes Risiko und frei von jeglicher Haftung seitens des Verfassers.

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Any changes and corrections to the content that may occur can be made by me at any time and are not explicitly documented by me in each case.
Despite careful examination by me as the creator of specific content, the following applies: the use of all content created here by me as the author is exclusively at your own risk (applies in particular to lost profit and to all conceivable consequences of the reception and use of the content presented here)! Errors in content, logic errors and, for example, translation errors in the documentation cannot be ruled out despite careful examination by the author.
Internet addresses used in connection with this documentation in the context of the citation obligation and scientific work are by definition expressly no link recommendations: The mere citing of Internet addresses as sources in connection with this overall documentation (the sequence of which can be interrupted by posts from other forum members) does not necessarily mean that the author has accepted the entire content of cited Internet addresses (this includes, for example, views of authors and their widespread theories) automatically shares. Therefore, the following applies: Any use of the Internet sources cited in connection with this complete documentation is exclusively at your own risk and free of any liability on the part of the author.)

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Preliminary test for the planned reconstruction of the Sabu disc: Production of an approximation model from Baumberger sand-lime brick

[Addendum from 07/23/2023:]
Since the effort of the preliminary test to prepare the reconstruction of the Sabu disc would be extremely high according to my expectations and requirements, I decided afterwards to only do the documentation of this interesting stone processing project in flashs. The following articles will be (and were) changed accordingly without me explicitly going into each individual point of the changes. Content was (and will be) removed by me in places to a large extent.
[addendum end]

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There is no doubt that the ancient Egyptians had the possibilities and skills to turn various stone materials using two-point axis bearing (off) turning processing.
Special exhibits in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo give a small insight into the craftsmanship in this area [see source].

The purpose of this preliminary test is not to show that natural stone can be turned externally (which has long been known and has been practiced for thousands of years): this series of preliminary tests is particularly about narrowing down the most likely methods with which the ancient Egyptians turned stone and about the simplest possible apparatuses that can be derived from this (for which no direct models can be found to this day).

The documentation of the preliminary test, which has now progressed successfully, has been significantly delayed due to another heat wave and extreme weather.
Content will be created as soon as I can.
I will upload more photos as soon as possible.
Mehr dazu später.

QUELLEN / Sources:
Homepage: Spirit&Stone
Seitenbetreiber: unbekannt, kanadische Homepage
http://www.theglobaleducationproject.or ... dfact3.php
Datum und Zeitpunkt des Zugriffs: 15.07.2023, 10.09 MEZ.

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Update on the current stone processing project:

Up until now, the documentation of the project has not been possible relatively simultaneously with the progress of the project. The project is currently in a critical stage, in a positive sense, in terms of handicraft aspects, which demands my full attention.
I will therefore not upload any further documentation on the project until 21.07.23 at the earliest.
From the outset, I avoided filming the crafting processes in this project and focused on photography, because otherwise the overall effort would have been too extreme.

The Sabu disc is neither a component nor a model of a drive unit nor a ship's propeller: it is a poorly crafted aesthetic vessel as a result of high craftsmanship.

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[Addendum from 07/23/2023:]
Since the effort of the preliminary test to document my preparations for the reconstruction of the Sabu disc would be extremely great according to my expectations and requirements, I decided afterwards to only do the documentation of this interesting stone processing project in a flash. The following articles will be (and were) changed accordingly without me explicitly going into each individual point of the changes. Content was (and will be) removed by me in places to a large extent.
[addendum end]

The project is now relatively close to the final work steps, which will still take a certain amount of time due to the filigree work involved. This is also because the workpiece is now becoming more and more sensitive to damage and is therefore in the most critical processing phases of the entire project.

At this point, highlights of the most important processing phases or processing steps of the original Baumberger sandlimestone blank, which have resulted from the preliminary test so far: I do not provide a detailed documentation of the work steps carried out in this stone processing project due to the enormous effort required for this.

picture sheet (1, 2023 / IMG 1 - 14))
SOURCE: https://youtu.be/GIQUnfJ7BOI?si=dOV0_2oZ3I-Dh4OR

content of picture sheet / description of pictures:
[source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur (Dokumentation (1).jpg]
Bildrechte: / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 1: Important processing step in the preliminary test:
"Shafting" the blank made of Baumberger sandlimestone on a softwood axis.
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[source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur (Dokumentation (2).jpg]
Bildrechte: / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 2: Important processing step in the preliminary test:
Production of the blank.
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[source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur (Dokumentation (3).jpg]
Bildrechte: / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 3: Important processing step in the preliminary test:
First removal of excess stone material on the roughly hewn blank to create a round shape that is as precise as possible.
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[source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur (Dokumentation (4).jpg]
Bildrechte: / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 4: Important processing step in the preliminary test:
Making a wooden axle box in the style of a simple "lathe".
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[source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur (Dokumentation (5).jpg]
Bildrechte: / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 5: Important processing step in the preliminary test:
First attempts to work and shape the blank placed in the lathe with tools made of flint and copper.
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[source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur (Dokumentation (6).jpg]
Bildrechte: / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 6: Important processing step in the preliminary test:
First successful turning and scraping machining of the blank placed in the lathe with flint and copper tools.
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[source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur (Dokumentation (7).jpg]
Bildrechte: / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 7: Important processing step in the preliminary test:
First successful turning and scraping work on a relatively precise peripheral surface and work on a relatively precise, cleanly worked edge on the round body of the blank placed in the lathe with flint and copper tools.
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[source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur (Dokumentation (8).jpg]
Bildrechte: / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 8: Important processing step in the preliminary test:
Successful removal of the ridges that had formed on the side surface of the blank, which was created by turning and scratching, and fundamental leveling of the side surface with tools made of flint and copper and using sharp-edged edges of a cast concrete slab.
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[source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur (Dokumentation (9).jpg]
Bildrechte: / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 9: Important processing step in the preliminary test:
Successful shortening of the axis of the "shafted" blank and correspondingly precise conversion of the "lathe".
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[source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur (Dokumentation (10).jpg]
Bildrechte: / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 10: Important processing step in the preliminary test:
Successful lathing, scraping, working on a second side surface and gradual shaping into the "drum body" of the blank that was placed in the "lathe" with tools made of flint and copper.
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[source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur (Dokumentation (11).jpg]
Bildrechte: / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 11: Important processing step in the preliminary test: Altogether successful turning and scraping plan leveling of the side surfaces of the blank placed in the "lathe" with tools made of flint and copper.
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[source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur (Dokumentation (12).jpg]
Bildrechte: / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 12: Important processing step in the preliminary test:
Creation of an outline (here as a side view of a slate shingle) to determine and plan the proportions and dimensions of the planned workpiece as closely as possible (here necessarily interpreted freely in terms of design and material) to the shape and proportions of the Sabu disc.
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[source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur (Dokumentation (13).jpg]
Bildrechte: / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 13: Important processing step in the preliminary test:
Twisting scratch-scraping transfer of dimensions and proportions in relation to the original; the sabu disc; upset outline for the planned workpiece (marking) on ​​the blank placed in the "lathe" with copper tools.
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[source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur (Dokumentation (14).jpg]
Bildrechte: / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 14: Important processing step in the preliminary test:
turning and scraping reduction of the blank placed in the "lathe" with flint and copper tools according to the proportions and dimensions planned in the outline.

picture sheet (1, 2023 / IMG 1 - 14))
SOURCE: https://youtu.be/752sTW3xGWM?si=skxBmxxRnRBPevSb

content of picture sheet / description of pictures:
[source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur (Dokumentation (15).jpg]
Bildrechte: / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 15: Important processing step in the preliminary test: First successful turning and scraping application of the underside of the planned workpiece to the blank placed in the "lathe" with flint and copper tools.
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[source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur (Dokumentation (16).jpg]
Bildrechte: / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 16: Important processing step in the preliminary test:
Turning, scraping, fine working on the back of the planned workpiece on the blank placed in the "lathe" with tools and aids (measuring tool of copper) made of flint and copper.
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[source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur (Dokumentation (17).jpg]
Bildrechte: / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 17: Important processing step in the preliminary test:
Turning and scraping application of the rounded peripheral edge to the upper side of the planned workpiece with flint and copper tools on the blank placed in the "lathe".
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[source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur (Dokumentation (18).jpg]
Bildrechte: / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 18: Important processing step in the preliminary test:
Turning and scratch-scraping application of the upper side of the planned workpiece with transfer of important dimensions with flint and copper tools on the blank placed in the "lathe".
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[source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur (Dokumentation (19).jpg]
Bildrechte: / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 19: Important processing step in the preliminary test:
Turning, scraping transfer of important dimensions and proportions to the upper side of the blank clamped in the "lathe" and first application of the flattening for the development of the ring-segment-shaped decorative elements with perforations on the blank with tools made of flint and copper.
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[source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur (Dokumentation (20).jpg]
Bildrechte: / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 20: Important processing step in the preliminary test:
Scratch-scraping and pecking of the ring-segment-shaped decorative elements on the blank clamped in the "lathe" with tools made of flint and copper.
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[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur (Dokumentation (21).jpg]
Bildrechte: / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 21: Important processing step in the preliminary test:
Scratching and picking of the planned thin-walled, bowl-shaped hollowing out of the workpiece with a floral ornamental look is applied to the blank clamped in the "lathe" with tools made of flint and copper.
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[source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur (Dokumentation (22).jpg]
Bildrechte: / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 22: Important processing step in the preliminary test:
The current processing status of the workpiece with scratch-scraping and picking planned thin-walled bowl-shaped hollowing out of the workpiece with floral decorative optics on the blank clamped in the "lathe" with tools made of flint and copper. The first turning of the inner thin-walled cylindrical element with tools made of flint and primarily copper can also be seen here on the workpiece.
At this point in the processing progress, the result is already a complete success. This even if the workpiece were to be seriously damaged or even destroyed during processing or transport: for a first approach to this special arts and crafts topic, all the important questions for me have already been answered. The end result of machining the workpiece is ultimately a question of experience and skill as well as patience as well as the material.
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[source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur (Dokumentation (23).jpg]
Bildrechte: / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 23: Important processing step in the preliminary test:
Conforming scraping deepening of the rough formwork of blank with copper tools.
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[source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur (Dokumentation (24).jpg]
Bildrechte: / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 24: Important processing step in the preliminary test:
Scratch-scraping re-turning and deepening of the drum-shaped turning in the center of the blank with copper tools.
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[source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur (Dokumentation (25).jpg]
Bildrechte: / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 25: Important processing step in the preliminary test: Important processing step in the preliminary test: Scratch-scratching, fine first shaping of the outside of one of the three lobes to be worked out on the blank (here in comparison to the Sabu disc as a template due to the selected size and dimensioning of the workpiece with greatly shortened lobes).
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[source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur (Dokumentation (26).jpg]
Bildrechte: / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 26: Important processing step in the preliminary test:
First scratch-scraping undercutting of one of the lobes on the blank with copper tools.
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[source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur (Dokumentation (27).jpg]
Bildrechte: / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 27: Important processing step in the preliminary test:
First rough donned steep groove; below the extended lobes as a connecting element between the inner side wall and inner "bottom surface" of the blank as a planned thin-walled stone with tools made of copper. The current processing status of the blank made of Baumberger sandlimestone.
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[source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur (Dokumentation (28).jpg]
Bildrechte: / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 28: Important processing step in the preliminary test:
Equal expansion of the undercutting of all lobes on the workpiece and adjustment of the "floor level" on the blank with copper tools.

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picture sheet (3, 2023 / IMG 29 - 42)
SOURCE: https://youtu.be/pIvSfAQLQSw?si=Zcf62VhdQ-vDLjsq

content of picture sheet / description of pictures:

[source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur (Dokumentation (29).jpg]
Bildrechte: / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 29: Important processing step in the preliminary test:
Partial turning of the drum-shaped middle section on the Baumberger sandlimestone blank again in refer to the design of the Sabu disk using copper tools.
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[source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur (Dokumentation (30).jpg
Bildrechte: / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 30: Important processing step in the preliminary test:
Current processing status of the blank.
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[source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur (Dokumentation (31).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 31: Making a simple caliper gauge from a section of bent wood and home-made thin and sharpened bamboo sticks: the curved round section was made from the handle of a hardwood walking stick, the round section was sawn to size with a modern hacksaw, the through-holes were made with a cordless screwdriver with modern drill bits: one of the bamboo stick sections was pressed into one of the holes drilled in the round wood (fixed adjustment), another was designed to be movable: this resulted in a reasonably exact "pointing device" with relatively little effort. By marking the movable bamboo stick accordingly, a fixed measuring depth could be set with the dotting device, which was estimated at around 4 to 5 mm (I will measure it later).
Making a simple paint from powdered modern commercially available charcoal tablets, fine powder from the machined blank of Baumberger sandlimestone and tap water.
Making a simple little brush from a section of the self-made bamboo sticks: one end of the bamboo stick was frayed flattened and then cut to size with a pocket knife.
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[source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur (Dokumentation (32).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 32: Measuring determination of the wall thickness of the vessel bottom to be precisely machined on the blank with the self-made puncturing device.
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[source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur (Dokumentation (33).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 33: First scratch-scraping application of puncturing points to determine the wall thickness to be worked on of the vessel bottom on the blank with copper tools: for this purpose, a measuring point to be applied was reworked and measured again with the self-made puncturing device until the desired measuring depth was reached.
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[source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur (Dokumentation (34).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 34: Mark the first dot with the paint you made yourself and a small bamboo brush on the blank.
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[source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur (Dokumentation (35).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 35: Processing status of the blank with many different measuring points set and marked with the self-made paint and small bamboo brush.
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[source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur (Dokumentation (36).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 36: Scraping away the excess sand-lime brick material ("Bossen") with copper tools on the blank: the marked dotted measuring points serve as a guide: by leveling the connection of the measuring points, the wall thickness at the bottom of the vessel to be manufactured is relatively exactly uniform.
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[source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur (Dokumentation (37).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 37: Processing status of the scraping leveling of the bottom of the vessel on the blank with copper tools.
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[source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur (Dokumentation (38).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 38: Scratch-scraping fine finishing of the wreath-like vessel rim on a segment of the blank, worked to the desired wall thickness, with copper tools.
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[source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur (Dokumentation (39).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 39: Scratch-scraping fine reworking of the wreath-like vessel rim on a segment of the blank, worked to the desired wall thickness, with copper tools.
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[source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur (Dokumentation (40).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 40: Scratch-scraping removal of the sandlimestone material ("Bossen") lying between the applied lobe and the drum-shaped middle part between two segments worked to the desired wall thickness for the purpose of connecting the bottom level of the vessel to be produced on the blank with copper tools.
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[source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur (Dokumentation (41).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 41: Scratch-scraping application and finishing of the steep groove between the planned bottom of the vessel and the steeply rising wall of the vessel under a lob on the blank with copper tools.
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[source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur (Dokumentation (42).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 42: First rough scratch-scraping application and finishing of the steep groove (connecting area between the bottom of the vessel and the part of the rising wall of the vessel) on the blank with copper tools.
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Re: Historische Steinbearbeitung nach altägyptischen Vorbild

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picture sheet (4, 2023 / IMG 43 - 56)
SOURCE: https://youtu.be/Aa8eOxyaVkI?si=fB9ifFuwZFuYjnbY

content of picture sheet / description of pictures:

[source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur (Dokumentation (43).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 43: Processing status of the blank.
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[source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur (Dokumentation (44).jpg
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 44: Conforming scraping deepening of the third shell-shaped dotted segment on the blank with copper tools.

. . .

Intermediate summary of the current stone processing project:
The preliminary test I am currently carrying out for the one day planned reconstruction of the Sabu disc has been very successful so far. I was able to gain a lot of interesting and important experiences and insights in the various consecutive and distinctive processing steps of the preliminary test as well as the accompanying production and use of the specific tools.
Even if the processed blank made of Baumberger sandlimestone were to be unintentionally destroyed (e.g. due to processing errors or e.g. damage in transit), the results of the preliminary test would be a complete success.
The diverse insights into functioning procedures for the production of the processing result that is now available are an elementary basis for enabling the one day planned reconstruction of the Sabu disc.
The current preliminary test is now entering its most sensitive and therefore also a very meaningful phase, which requires my full concentration, patience, skill, material and tool knowledge:

In the final processing phases of the preliminary test, the following work steps must now be carried out in order to bring the project to a successful conclusion:

- Shaping the vessel as evenly as possible by scraping with coppertools and possibly flinttools to a wall thickness that is as uniform and as thin as possible (in addition, for this final processing step, a correspondingly suitable, as precise as possible measuring tool must be manufactured in the simplest possible way and with means and methods that were also available to the ancient Egyptians.).

- final turning of the drum-shaped middle part of the blank to the thinnest possible wall thickness. This processing step is also critical because the wooden axle inserted into the blank is the one to be finally turned due to the frequent watering of the axle in the past and the resulting swelling of the wood due to the wood pressure could finally destroy the drum-shaped middle part of the blank by the splitting effect.

- as thin as possible turning and scraping shaping of the "segmental arch elements" of the blank

(All three work steps are full of snags in terms of processing technology: the blank can possibly tear off the drum-shaped central part at any time, it can happen very quickly that the wall of the vessel is broken through unintentionally or due to measurement errors; the desired fragility of the surrounding segmental arch elements can, in the case of unfavorable conditions or carelessness or also due to material properties of the worked rock crack or flake off at any time and are thus destroyed.
- Finally, it will certainly be a big challenge to remove the wooden axle that is clamped in the blank without destroying the hopefully finished workpiece.

In total, it should be mentioned that the Baumberger sandlimestone processed in the preliminary test, despite its great softness, is much more difficult to work in the previously used way than it might give the impression: harder vein-like layers are embedded in places in the processed blank of Baumberger sandlimestonek: these lead to a very different reaction of the material to processing in places that are very narrow and can lead to corresponding problems in achieving the final processing goal.


picture sheet (4, 2023 / IMG 43 - 56)
SOURCE: https://youtu.be/Aa8eOxyaVkI?si=fB9ifFuwZFuYjnbY

content of picture sheet / description of pictures:

[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur (Dokumentation (43)]

IMG 43: Processing status of the blank from Baumberger sandlimestone

Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur (Dokumentation (44).jpg
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023
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[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur (Dokumentation (44)]

IMG 44: Conforming scraping deepening of the third shell-shaped dotted segment on the Baumberger sandlimestone blank with copper tools.
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[source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur (Dokumentation (45).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 45: Fine scratch-scraping elaboration of the wreath-like bowl rim in the third segment of the vessel to be produced on the blank with copper tools.
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[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur (Dokumentation (46).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 46: Complete scraping removal of the "Bossen" between the lobes and the drum-shaped middle part of the bowl-like vessel using copper tools.
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[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur (Dokumentation (47).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 47: Further scratch-scraping thin-walled finishing of the underside of a lobe on the blank with copper tools.
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[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur (Dokumentation (48).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 48: Fine scraping removal of the "Bossen" between the base of the bowl and the drum-shaped middle part on the blank using copper tools.
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[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur (Dokumentation (49).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 49: Fine scraping removal of the "Bossen" between the bottom of the vessel and the steeply rising wall element under a lob on the blank.
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[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur (Dokumentation (50).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 50: Processing status of the blank with a detailed photo of the finely worked-out area under one of the lobes.
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[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (51).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 51: Fine scraping finish on the underside of the lobes and finer application of the area between the underside of the lobes and the steep walled rim of the vessel in the segments on the blank with copper tools.
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[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (52).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 52: Fine finishing of the undercuts on the underside of the lobes on the blank with copper tools.
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[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (53).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 53: Fine finishing of the fold-like connecting area between the bottom of the vessel to be finished and the drum-shaped middle part on the blank with copper tools.
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[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (54).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 54: Fine scraping, rounding off the tops of the lobes on the blank with copper tools.
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[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (55).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 55: Widening scratch-scraping of the circular crack made on the underside of the blank for decorative grooving with copper tools: since it would have been very difficult to work the fine, scratch-scraping, turned underside of the blank flat, I decided without further ado to turn the original crack into a to rework decorative groove. The area between the ring-shaped, wreath-like rim of the vase and the near-outside curved underside of the vessel to be produced was also slightly reworked by me after scraping: this was to create a slightly inwardly curved accent in this area, which is intended to emphasize the ring-shaped, wreath-like character of the planned vessel rim.
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[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (56).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 56: Fine reworking of the rough circular decorative groove on the outwardly curved surface of the underside of the blank using copper tools.

. . .


picture sheet (4, 2023 / IMG 43 - 56)
SOURCE: https://youtu.be/Aa8eOxyaVkI?si=fB9ifFuwZFuYjnbY

content of picture sheet / description of pictures:

[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (57).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 57: Fine, scraping, slight rounding of the connecting edges between the outwardly curved underside and openings in the segments on the edge of the vessel to be produced on the Baumberger sandlimestone blank with copper tools.
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[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (58).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 58: Careful scraping removal of the for stabilization in the breakthroughs left "Bossen" on the blank with copper tools.
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[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (59).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 59: Fine scratch-scraping elaboration of the ornamental form between circular shell edge elements in the area of the openings and the lobes on the blank.
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[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (60).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 60: Careful re-turning of the outer upper edge of the drum-shaped middle part on the blank using copper tools: in order to avoid tearing the drum-shaped inner part from the bowl-like bottom of the vessel during the necessarily more powerful turning, the turning of the drum-shaped middle part was completed with this work step.
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[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (61).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 61: Freehand scraping and scraping away of the "Bossen" still standing on the outside of the drum-shaped central section after the turning process has been completed and to be removed on the blank using copper tools.
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[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (62).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 62: Test rounding of the inner sides of the ring segment-shaped ridges in the area of the openings on the blank with fine scratches using copper tools.
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[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (63).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 63: First test, finely scraping narrowing of an inner side of a circular ring segment-shaped running around in the area of the openings on the blank with tools made of copper.
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[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (64).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 64: The processing status of the blank before removing the softwood axis.
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[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (65).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 65: Carefully saw off the end of the wooden axle protruding from the upper side of the blank with a conventional hacksaw.

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[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (66).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 66: Very careful first, quasi-milling, drilling out of the wood axis from the top of the blank using a conventional cordless screwdriver with a conventional drill bit (here a misused HSS drill bit for metalworking: PLEASE DO NOT TRY THIS!: this type of misuse of the drill and drill bit is very dangerous and can lead to serious injuries - e.g.: if the drill bit slips or breaks off. The possibility that the material (fabric) wrapped around the wooden axis inserted in the blank in previous processing steps wound itself around the drill bit and could have influenced the behavior of the drill and the drill bit used in it posed a great risk of injury: neither cordless screwdrivers nor drill bits are intended for this type of woodworking: cordless screwdrivers and modern drill bits were used by me here for reasons of time: the piece of the Given the time, an axle made of soft wood could have been drilled out just as successfully with historical bore tools with drill bits made of copper.However, since this is a preliminary test in which my focus is on working with stone, "the wheel" didn't have to be reinvented here.
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[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (67).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 67: Carefully saw off the end of the wooden axle protruding from the underside of the blank with a conventional metalsaw.
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[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (68).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 68: Very careful further, quasi-milling, drilling out of the wood axis from the top of the blank using a conventional cordless screwdriver with a conventional drill bit (here a misused HSS drill bit for metalworking: PLEASE DO NOT TRY THIS!: this type of misuse of the drill and drill bit is very dangerous and can lead to serious injuries - e.g.: if the drill bit slips or breaks off: neither cordless screwdrivers nor drill bits are intended for this type of woodworking: cordless screwdrivers and modern drill bits were used by me here for reasons of time: the piece of the Given the time, an axle made of soft wood could have been drilled out just as successfully with historical bore tools with drill bits made of copper.However, since this is a preliminary test in which my focus is on working with stone, "the wheel" didn't have to be reinvented here.
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[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (69).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 69: Careful removal of larger pieces of wood material drilled out from the piece of softwood axis still stuck in the blank.
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[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (70).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 70: Carefully pushing out the softwood axle piece, which was drilled out in places and still stuck in the blank: by drilling out the central area of the leftover piece of wood from two sides, the tension in the wood could be reduced, which is why it could finally be pushed out of the blank.

. . .


picture sheet (6, 2023 / IMG 71 - 84)
[Source: https://youtu.be/GNz8KEjl9Sg?si=Z79fj0tE1nqg9TjE]

content of picture sheet / description of pictures:

[SOURCE: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (71).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 71: The blank made of Baumberger sandlimestone with the leftover piece of the softwood wooden axis sawn off on both sides and drilled out of the drum-shaped middle part of the blank: here with partially still existing wrappings with fabric for the previous fixation of the wooden axis in the blank.
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[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (72).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 72:The processing status of the blank before the last fine processing steps and the final extrafine processing.
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[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (73).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 73: The processing status of the workpiece with made special scrapers made of copper (modern industrial rod copper, further information about the copper material is currently unknown. The scrapers were machined with the modern commercially available iron saw and the modern metal file used: the curved edges of the scraper scrapers result from the folded machining of the bar copper (a specially shaped copper part from the field of tinsmithing).
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[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (74).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 74: Scraping, fine elaboration of the areas under the lobes (between the steeply rising side walls and the drum-shaped middle section) of the blank with the scratching scrapers made of copper.
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[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (75).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 75:
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[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (76).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 76:
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[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (77).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 77:
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[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (78).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 78:
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[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (79).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 79:
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[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (80).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 80:
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[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (81).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 81:
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[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (82).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 82:
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[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (83).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 83:
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[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (84).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 84:


After a few final work steps, this really interesting and meaningful preliminary test, which was quite demanding, is now completed (the pictures of the final work steps will follow).
This preliminary test was extremely successful. As I could roughly measure today, the approximate average wall thickness of the Baumberger sandlimestone vessel seems to be around 5 mm.
But there are also very thin spots on the workpiece to be measured: The thinnest wall thickness measured so far was around 2 mm and was on a side wall of one of the lobes in the area of ​​the attachment to a bowl-shaped segment. I'll measure again to be sure.
With the successful completion of this preliminary test, after an eventful year in terms of preliminary tests, I am going into the early autumn break, apart from possible smaller projects that do not concern larger stone processing projects.

If the opportunity arises, the weight and volume are then determined, the surface is analyzed and the workpiece is measured. But I still have to wait for suitable equipment for this, which can take a few months.
The workpiece should then be signed.

In conclusion, I can state that a reconstruction of the Sabu disc - also with regard to the still unknown material to be processed and the even greater filigreeness to be achieved compared to the workpiece produced in the preliminary test - is a great challenge, but it's not impossible to succeed.

I will briefly summarize the knowledge gained in the preliminary test even i will find time.

Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (113).jpg
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 113:Test-based measurement of the wall thicknesses of the shell-like workpiece made of Baumberger sandlimestone the average wall thickness of the shell bottom measured so far is between 4 and 5 mm; the wall thickness previously measured on the workpiece is about 2 mm. (measured here with a provisionally modified modern caliper (a bamboo caliper made with a pocket knife and a caliper made from a safety pin were used as measuring calipers fixed to the caliper with commercially available adhesive tape.


picture sheet (7, 2023 / IMG 85 - 98)

[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (85).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 85:
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[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (86).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 86:
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[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (87).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 87:
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[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (88).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 88:
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[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (89).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 89:
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[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (90).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 90:
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[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (91).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 91: Scratch-scraping fine post-processing of the contours of the workpiece made of Baumberger sandlimestone with copper tools.
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[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (92).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 92: Fine scratch-scraping thinning of the ring-segment-shaped struts between the bowl-shaped elements of the Baumberger sandlimestone work piece with copper tools.
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[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (93).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 93: Rounding off and fine smoothing of the upper edge of the drum-shaped central part of the workpiece made of Baumberger sandlimestone with copper tools.
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[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (94).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 94: Rounding off and fine smoothing of the lower edge of the drum-shaped middle part (inner edge) of the workpiece made of Baumberger sandlimestone with copper tools.
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[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (95).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 95: Careful scraping and scraping of the excess sandlimestone material (removing the "bossen") on the inside of the ring-segment-shaped struts between the bowl-shaped elements of the Baumberger sandlimestone work piece with copper tools. ringsegmentförmigen Streben zwischen den schalenförmigen Elementen des Werkstücks aus Baumberger Kalksandstein mit Werkzeugen aus Kupfer.
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[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (96).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 96: Fine scraping post-processing of the ring segment-shaped struts between the bowl-shaped elements of the Baumberger sandlimestone work piece with copper tools.
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[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (97).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 97: Finest re-grinding of the ring-segment-shaped struts between the shell-shaped elements of the Baumberger sandlimestone workpiece with a sanding spatula made of bamboo and using fine quartz sand heavily wetted with tap water as an abrasive (here: commercially available bird sand; composition according to information from the distributor: 93% fine quartz sand, 3, 5% Jura calcite, 3.5% shell grit).
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[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (98).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 98: Further fine grinding of the ring-segment-shaped struts between the bowl-shaped elements of the Baumberger sandlimestone workpiece with a sanding spatula made of bamboo and using fine quartz saZusammensetzung laut Angaben des Inverkehrbringers: 93% feiner Quartzsand, 3,5% Juracalcit, 3,5% Muschelgrit).nd heavily wetted with tap water as an abrasive (here: commercially available bird sand; composition according to information from the distributor: 93% fine quartz sand, 3 .5% Jura calcite, 3.5% shell grit).
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[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (99).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023
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picture sheet (7, 2023 / IMG 99 - 112)

IMG 99: Final touch-up, fine grinding of the ring segment-shaped struts between the shell-shaped elements of the workpiece made of Baumberger sandlimestone with tools made of copper.
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[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (100).jpg
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 100:
- - -
[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (101).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 101: Finest surface grinding of the Baumberger sandlimestone workpiece by turning the workpiece back and forth in dry, fine quartz sand (here: grinding the underside of the workpiece using commercially available bird sand as an abrasive; composition according to the information provided by the distributor: 93% fine quartz sand, 3.5% Jura calcite , 3.5% shell grit).
- - -
[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (102).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 102: Finest surface grinding of the workpiece made of Baumberger sandlimestone by turning the workpiece back and forth in dry, fine quartz sand (here: grinding the upper side of the workpiece using commercially available bird sand as an abrasive; composition according to the information provided by the distributor: 93% fine quartz sand, 3.5% Jura calcite , 3.5% shell grit).
- - -
[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (103).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 103: Final, finest touch-ups on the workpiece made of Baumberger sandlimestone using copper tools.
- - -
[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (104).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 104: Finest surface grinding of the workpiece by turning the workpiece of Baumberger sandlimestone back and forth in heavily wet, fine quartz sand (here: grinding the underside of the workpiece using commercially available bird sand as an abrasive; composition according to the information provided by the distributor: 93% fine quartz sand, 3.5% Jura calcite, 3 .5% shell grit).
- - -
[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (105).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 105: Finest surface grinding of the workpiece by turning the workpiece made of Baumberger sandlimestone back and forth in heavily wetted fine quartz sand (here: grinding the upper side of the workpiece using commercially available bird sand as an abrasive; composition according to information from the distributor: 93% fine quartz sand, 3.5% Jurassic calcite, 3.5% shell grit).
- - -
[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (106).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 106: Intermediate processing status of the workpiece made of Baumberger sandlimestone: the filling of (here) tap water at different levels allows certain conclusions to be drawn about the surface quality of the workpiece based on the analysis of symmetries in the workpiece at the level of the water level.
- - -
[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (107).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 107: Final touch-ups on the contours of the Baumberger sandlimestone work piece with copper tools.
- - -
[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (108).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 108:
Further final touch-ups of the contours of the Baumberger sandlimestone work piece with copper tools.
- - -
[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (109).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 109: Further final touch-ups of the contours of the Baumberger sandlimestone work piece with copper tools.
- - -
[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (110).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 110: Further final touch-ups of the contours of the Baumberger sandlimestone work piece with copper tools.
- - -
[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (111).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 111: The finished and cleaned workpiece made of Baumberger sandlimestone. The preliminary test is nearly successfully completed with this step.
- - -
[Source: Vorversuch Rekonstruktion Sabuscheibe Zwischeneinschub zur Dokumentation (112).jpg]
Bildrechte / Copyright: (C) me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe, 2023

IMG 112: The finished and cleaned workpiece made of Baumberger sandlimestone. The preliminary test is successfully completed with this step.


Today I carried out a small preliminary test and documented it by video recording, in which the bronze chisel kindly made available by forum member LaraC  and cast by LaraC himself with a composition of 89% copper and 11% tin was tested by me on various stone materials.
More on that as soon as I have edited the video material created today, but this much in advance: the chisel was tested in a direct comparison on very soft sandlimestone, hard sandstone and on fine-grained and therefore very dense granite.

However, I can already tell you this much: as was to be expected (and has already been proven several times), it seems impossible, even in the preliminary test carried out, that hard stone such as granite can be processed with tools made of bronzes, provided that the processing is not grinding but cutting.
[end of addendum]

- - - - - - -
ehemals S. 8:


Here is a second version of a short video of the preliminary test carried out for the reconstruction of the Sabu disk, which is planned one day.

[Addendum, 19.08.2023:] The first version of the short video was deleted by me. The link to the second video version has been added here. [End of Addendum]


Here is the first of a small series of short videos (SHORTS) to test the bronze chisel kindly provided by forum member LaraC on stone materials of different hardness (please also note the video descriptions):

[Addendum dated 17.08.23:] Videolink has been edited, there is now a new version of the first video and a republication as a second video on the topic. [End of Addendum]

-To be continued-

(Video length about 1 minute)

(Video length about 1 minute)

Since the audio of the video for the preliminary test for the reconstruction of the Sabu disc seems to have gone wrong when uploading it (if the farmer can't swim, it's his swimming trunks to blame), I re-edited the video.

The second link also contains the first part of a highly compressed photo documentation of the preliminary test on my YouTube channel in the form of a short video). [addendum end]

Bis auf stellenweise Ausnahmen werden die in diesem Beitrag von mir bisher geposteten Bilddateien annähernd vollständig in Form von Bilderbögen bzw. Bildergalerien in Form von Kurzvideos (sog. Shorts) auf meinen Youtubekanal ausgelagert und in den jeweiligen Posts in diesem Thema als Quelle verlinkt. Ein Anschauen solcher Bilddateien ist dann ausschließlich über die Verlinkung zu meinem Youtubekanal möglich.
Mit dieser Vorgehensweise möchte ich einierseits Datenplatz im Forum sparen und andererseits dokumentarische Zusammenhänge meiner Arbeit besser bündeln.
Von den Bilderbögen auf meinem Youtube wird es jeweils eine Verlinkung zurück zu den entsprechenden Beiträgen im Archaeoforum geben. Unter anderem ist dies technisch notwendig und sinnvoll, weil für Beschreibungen von Zusammenhängen in Youtubevideos nicht ausreichend Platz zur Verfügung steht.
Die ausführlichen Textbeschreibungen zu den Bildergalerien bei Youtube sind dann also hier im Archaeoforum nebst ausführlichen Quellennachweisen abrufbar, während die Bilddateien bei Wunsch auf Youtube betrachtet werden können.
Dieser Umstellungsprozess wird eine gewisse Zeit in Anspruch nehmen.
Außerdem werde ich dieses Thema so wwit wie möglich - auch rückwirkend - auf die englische Sprqache als Dokumentationssprache umstellen.
- Beiträge auch in deutscher Sprache sind natürlich weiterhin willkommen -

Von Beiträgen hier im Thema als Antworten bitte ich jedoch bis auf weiteres abzusehen, da ich mir nicht sicher bin inwieweit dies meine Möglichkeiten, Beiträge rückwirkend zu bearbeiten, möglicherweise einschränken könnte.
Falls Rückfragen bestehen sollten, wendet Euch gerne per PN an mich.

- - -

With a few exceptions, the image files I have posted so far in this post are almost completely outsourced to my YouTube channel in the form of image sheets or image galleries in the form of short videos (so-called SHORTS) and linked as sources in the respective posts in this topic. Viewing such image files is then only possible via the link to my YouTube channel.
With this approach, I want to save data space in the forum on the one hand and better bundle the documentary context of my work on the other.
There will be a link back to the corresponding posts in the Archaeoforum from the picture sheets on my YouTube channel. Among other things, this is technically necessary and useful because there is not enough space for descriptions of connections in YouTube videos.
The detailed text descriptions for the picture galleries on Youtube can then be called up here in the Archaeoforum together with detailed references to sources, while the picture files can be viewed on Youtube if desired.
This conversion process will take some time.
In addition, I will change this topic as far as possible - also retrospectively - to the English language as the documentation language.

However, I would ask you to refrain from posting posts here in the topic as answers for the time being, as I am not sure to what extent this could possibly limit my ability to edit posts retrospectively.
If you have any questions, please contact me via PM.

Overview of previous images on the subject:

(about preliminary Test for the planned reconstruction of the Sabu disc)

picture sheet (1, 2023 / IMG 1 - 14)

picture sheet (2, 2023 / IMG 15 - 28)
https://youtube.com/shorts/fSTQc_BeH3I? ... S_4CZu0rpZ

picture sheet (3, 2023 / IMG 29 - 42)
https://youtube.com/shorts/Z3VAt2drXVY? ... OC2_oDSbLv

picture sheet (4, 2023 / IMG 43 - 56)
https://youtube.com/shorts/3IHeAxvzxds? ... gtApu7W7q7

picture sheet (5, 2023 / IMG 57 - 70)
https://youtube.com/shorts/fUGDQ1fDWL4? ... evI5edLt-L

picture sheet (6, 2023 / IMG 71 - 84)

picture sheet (7, 2023 / IMG 85 - 98)

picture sheet (8, 2023 / IMG 99 - 112)

- - -


Youtubechannel: Handwerkskunst_Handicraftarts
channel operator: me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe
main page of the Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLy6gO ... BkjqTgOAiA
date and time of access: 04.09.2023; 13:08 MEZ
video source: https://youtu.be/il5jrFWnT0U?si=uyjZ8wihonORWYVf
video title: EXARAE picture sheet (2023,1) preliminary test Sabu disc (IMG 1 - 14)
date and time of access: 04.09.2023; 13:13 MEZ

Youtubechannel: Handwerkskunst_Handicraftarts
channel operator: me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe
main page of the Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLy6gO ... BkjqTgOAiA
date and time of access: 04.09.2023; 13:08 MEZ
video source: https://youtube.com/shorts/fSTQc_BeH3I? ... pbj11awmev
video title: EXARAE picture sheet (2023,2) preliminary test Sabu disc (IMG 15 - 28)
date and time of access: 04.09.2023; 13:13 MEZ

Youtubechannel: Handwerkskunst_Handicraftarts
channel operator: me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe
main page of the Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLy6gO ... BkjqTgOAiA
date and time of access: 04.09.2023; 13:08 MEZ
video source: https://youtube.com/shorts/Z3VAt2drXVY? ... bmHqVtBBji
video title: EXARAE picture sheet (2023,1) preliminary test Sabu disc (IMG 1 - 14)
date and time of access: 04.09.2023; 13:14 MEZ

Youtubechannel: Handwerkskunst_Handicraftarts
channel operator: me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe
main page of the Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLy6gO ... BkjqTgOAiA
date and time of access: 04.09.2023; 13:08 MEZ
video source: https://youtube.com/shorts/3IHeAxvzxds? ... 7dyDvq6fzF
video title: EXARAE picture sheet (2023,1) preliminary test Sabu disc (IMG 1 - 14)
date and time of access: 04.09.2023; 13:14 MEZ

Youtubechannel: Handwerkskunst_Handicraftarts
channel operator: me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe
main page of the Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLy6gO ... BkjqTgOAiA
date and time of access: 04.09.2023; 13:08 MEZ
video source: https://youtube.com/shorts/fUGDQ1fDWL4? ... PaAkSb7jRp
video title: EXARAE picture sheet (2023,1) preliminary test Sabu disc (IMG 1 - 14)
date and time of access: 04.09.2023; 13:15 MEZ

Youtubechannel: Handwerkskunst_Handicraftarts
channel operator: me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe
main page of the Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLy6gO ... BkjqTgOAiA
date and time of access: 07.09.2023; 11:45 MEZ
video source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNz8KEjl9Sg
video title: EXARAE picture sheet (2023,6) preliminary test Sabu disc (IMG 71 - 84)
date and time of access: 07.09.2023; 11:46 MEZ

Youtubechannel: Handwerkskunst_Handicraftarts
channel operator: me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe
main page of the Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLy6gO ... BkjqTgOAiA
date and time of access: 07.09.2023; 11:45 MEZ
video source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXb0AQuXnmM
video title: EXARAE picture sheet (2023,7) preliminary test Sabu disc (IMG 85 - 98)
date and time of access: 07.09.2023; 11:51 MEZ

Youtubechannel: Handwerkskunst_Handicraftarts
channel operator: me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe
main page of the Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLy6gO ... BkjqTgOAiA
date and time of access: 07.09.2023; 11:45 MEZ
video source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2AHFGCtNOFo
video title: EXARAE picture sheet (2023,7) preliminary test Sabu disc (IMG 85 - 98)
date and time of access: 07.09.2023; 11:53 MEZ

Here is a little insight (short video) into the possibilities of working hard stone with stone tools in the discussion of alternative theories (in English): the hard stone is worked with pounders of hardstone and flakes of hardstone and Heligoland Flint.
Video length = just under 1 minute:



Youtubechannel: Handwerkskunst_Handicraftarts
channel operator: me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe
main page of the Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLy6gO ... BkjqTgOAiA
date and time of access: 04.09.2023; 13:08 MEZ
video source: https://youtu.be/n55U_ZMh3ZM?si=aIuMxxvbtPJixeWS
video title: ENGL EXARAE : Alternative Theories versus hard stone processing (1)
date and time of access: 04.09.2023; 13:17 MEZ

Here is another little insight (short video) into the possibilities of working hard stone (granite) with stone tools in the discussion of alternative theories (in English): the hard stone (finish granite; a really hard granite) is worked with a pounder of hardstone (potentially quarzite).
Video length = just under 1 minute:


Youtubechannel: Handwerkskunst_Handicraftarts
channel operator: me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe
main page of the Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLy6gO ... BkjqTgOAiA
date and time of access: 04.09.2023; 21:01 MEZ
video source: https://youtu.be/I6tu74fXBOs?si=E8E5dRYj71YmrL4R
video title: ENGL EXARAE : Alternative Theories versus hard stone processing (2) : processing granite with stone
date and time of access: 04.09.2023; 21:01 MEZ

Here is the first video of a planned series of shortvideos (videolenght each max. 1 minute) to report the production of a replica of a segment of the sabu disc (see sources):

- to be continued -


Youtubechannel: Handwerkskunst_Handicraftarts
channel operator: me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe
main page of the Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLy6gO ... BkjqTgOAiA
date and time of access: 04.09.2023; 12:56 MEZ
video source: https://youtube.com/shorts/doqbp_4jMv8? ... 5HGx8CrICl
video title: ENGL EXARAE: EXARAE (2023.1): A segment resembling the Sabu disk made of sandlimestone
date and time of access: 04.09.2023; 12:57 MEZ

Here are the parts of the more comprehensive documentation on the production of a modeled segment section of the Sabu disc:

part 1:

[10.09.2023; the exact time of access can no longer be determined]

part 2:
[13.09.2023; 07:42 MEZ-]

part 3:
[16:09.2023; 21:49 MEZ]

Here is part 4:
[17.09.2023; 20:43 MEZ-]

part 5:
[18.09.2023; 21:24 MEZ-]

part 6:
[19.09.2023; 22:25 MEZ-]

part 7:
[21.09.2023; 22:12 MEZ-]

part 8:
[24.09.2023; 22:05 MEZ-]

part 9:
[01.10.2023; 22:42 MEZ-]

part 10:
[03.10.2023; 15:18 MEZ-]

part 11:
[03.10.2023; 21:55 MEZ-]

Here is part 12:
[08.10.2023; 12:38 MEZ-]

part 13:
[10.10.2023; 10:49 MEZ-]

part 14:
[10.10.2023; 21:43 MEZ-]

I would like to briefly inform those interested that for me all questions regarding the one day planned reconstruction of the Sabu disk have been answered: nothing stands in the way of the successful reconstruction of the Sabu disk based on ancient Egyptian means and methods that are as original as possible, with the exception of financing (and less luck in the working-process). However, editing and uploading all parts of the video documentation as well as filming the very last workingsteps to complete the sandlimestone test piece documented here still require time.

part 15:
[12.10.2023; 16:55 MEZ-]

part 16:
[12.10.2023; 19:47 MEZ-]

part 17:
[13.10.2023; 20:53 MEZ-]

part 18:
[14.10.2023; 15:14 MEZ-]

part 19:
[15.10.2023; 20:55 MEZ-]

part 20:
[23.10.2023; 18:53 MEZ-]
(new uploaded audio-edited version)

part 21:
[23.10.2023; 19:01 MEZ]
(new uploaded audio-edited version)

part 22:
[23.10.2023; 19:14 MEZ-]
(new uploaded audio-edited version)

Here is part 23 of the more comprehensive documentation on the production of a modeled segment section of the Sabu disc:


[23.10.2023;19:25 MEZ]

- to be continued -

(new uploaded audio-edited version)

-subtitles need a little time. Please be patient -

Here is part 24 of the more comprehensive documentation on the production of a modeled segment section of the Sabu disc:


[23.10.2023;22:38 MEZ]

- to be continued -

-subtitles need a little time. Please be patient -
Zuletzt geändert von Sculpteur am 25.10.2023 10:50, insgesamt 23-mal geändert.
Beiträge: 805
Registriert: 17.06.2016 18:17

Re: Historische Steinbearbeitung nach altägyptischen Vorbild

Beitrag von Sculpteur »

Here is part 25 of the more comprehensive documentation on the production of a modeled segment section of the Sabu disc on my Youtubechannel Handwerkskunst_Handicraftarts:


[25.10.2023;11:50 MEZ]

- to be continued -

-subtitles need a little time. Please be patient -

Here is part 26 of the more comprehensive documentation on the production of a modeled segment section of the Sabu disc:


[25.10.2023;11:52 MEZ]

- to be continued -

-subtitles need a little time. Please be patient -
EXARAE 2023.26 preliminary test replicating a segment of the Sabu disc<br /><br />© (Youtubedesigns and whole design of the Youtube-platform): Youtube, 2023<br />© (creatorcontent): me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe 2023<br />Youtubechannel: Handwerkskunst_Handicraftarts<br />watching time of video: 09:09 minutes<br /><br />In the 26th video of the series, I move on to the fine machining of the workpiece and am thus on the verge of one of the most essential steps in the overall process: the severing of the connection between the middle part and the lobe tip on the workpiece.
EXARAE 2023.26 preliminary test replicating a segment of the Sabu disc

© (Youtubedesigns and whole design of the Youtube-platform): Youtube, 2023
© (creatorcontent): me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe 2023
Youtubechannel: Handwerkskunst_Handicraftarts
watching time of video: 09:09 minutes

In the 26th video of the series, I move on to the fine machining of the workpiece and am thus on the verge of one of the most essential steps in the overall process: the severing of the connection between the middle part and the lobe tip on the workpiece.
Beiträge: 805
Registriert: 17.06.2016 18:17

Re: Historische Steinbearbeitung nach altägyptischen Vorbild

Beitrag von Sculpteur »

Although the current stone processing project is close to completion, I am formally taking a winter break and using the time to edit content that has already been posted.
It is generally not impossible that I will not complete the project in the coming weeks or months, but there are currently. no concrete planning.

- to be continued in time -
Beiträge: 805
Registriert: 17.06.2016 18:17

Re: Historische Steinbearbeitung nach altägyptischen Vorbild

Beitrag von Sculpteur »

This topic is currently being fundamentally revised by me. Currently are almost completely deleted in the numerous images posted by me as the author and topic creator (that is: me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe). The images for topic articles are outsourced. For the illustrations that I plan to make available in other ways in the future, there will be corresponding links in my posts, which I still have to add. All of this restructuring work on my contributions to this topic will take some time. I ask for your understanding and patience. I will announce it here in the topic when the basic editing of my contributions in this topic has been completed.