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Re: Minoisches Schwert vom Typ A

Verfasst: 17.08.2023 20:35
von LaraC
That's great, I'm actually surprised it did so well! That stone is almost identical to some of the stones I polished it on! The edge must harden a lot when you use it on the stone. You are blessed to have such a good source of sharpening stones locally!

Re: Minoisches Schwert vom Typ A

Verfasst: 17.08.2023 21:39
von Sculpteur
Oh yes, we have plenty of them. One day I might be able to send you some really delicate pieces as a thank you. At the moment, however, I have to keep my pennies together - unfortunately. :8:

Tomorrow - if everything works out - I will show by video how the chisel on Impala granite works (or rather, fails).

Re: Minoisches Schwert vom Typ A

Verfasst: 18.08.2023 20:38
von Sculpteur
Hi Lara, here is the third video about the testing of the bronze chisel: the chisel is tested here on Impala granite:


Re: Minoisches Schwert vom Typ A

Verfasst: 19.08.2023 03:13
von LaraC
Wow, I'm actually impressed with how it did on the granite! When I've tested my steel tools on rocks that hard, it damages them while hardly doing anything to the stone. The bronze was worn down, but it actually did mark the granite quite well comparatively. I think that's the work hardening of the bronze, as you work it, it gets harder, whereas steel is soft unless it's hardened. Overall, I'm very proud of the chisel, I think it has more than proved its worth!

Re: Minoisches Schwert vom Typ A

Verfasst: 19.08.2023 06:49
von Sculpteur
The bronze chisel did not appreciably attack the granite. The traces on the surface of the granite are merely bronze wear.
However, a similar machining result would actually result from the unhardened steel from which stonemason tools are made (with essentially less or no abrasion).
Copper tool tips, on the other hand, would be severely deformed on this material and produce superficial copper abrasion.
This preliminary test showed that it was not possible to work the Impala granite with the bronze chisel used.
Overall, the chisel has first-rate properties: yesterday I managed to use the chisel to make a few (tiny) cuts in a basalt surface with a freshly sharpened knife (to be on the safe side, I will analyze the result under the macroscope and report back).

Re: Minoisches Schwert vom Typ A

Verfasst: 14.12.2023 12:13
von Sculpteur
Hi Lara, how are things developing in your project? Does everything work well and to your satisfaction?

Re: Minoisches Schwert vom Typ A

Verfasst: 31.12.2023 22:59
von LaraC
Thanks Sculpteur, I appreciate the check in!

I also received your private message. I tried to write a response, but it is not letting me send it to you. It says your profile is set to not allow private messages. I'll try again in the new year!

Over the winter I can't use my copper melting furnace, because the propane will freeze in the tank. Before the snow I made one last attempt to cast the bronze sword, but I ran out of casting sand! I'll buy more, and I'll attempt to cast it as soon as the snow thaws in a few months. I have carved a very nice blank for it now, I think it will turn out very good. So, I haven't given up on the sword yet! During the winter I intend to also carve some blanks for the bronze scabbard decorations. I now also have some good materials for carving the metal for the decorations (chasing chisels and pitch bowls). I'll look on the web and pick some nice minoan emblems to carve on the buttoms!



Re: Minoisches Schwert vom Typ A

Verfasst: 01.01.2024 10:56
von Sculpteur
Hello Lara, that sounds exciting and successful and like the snow and winter that has been missing here for years.
There is always a lot of work involved in such projects. Hopefully they will make the impatient time of waiting because of freezing gas burners bearable. I'm still looking forward to the results!
You have another private message.