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Suebian knot

Verfasst: 01.03.2007 14:21
von Kelvin Wilson

Does anyone recognise this particular piece of metalwork?

...I had not seen it before and would like to hear date/findspot, if known.

Danke schön,

Kelvin Wilson

Verfasst: 01.03.2007 14:43
von Turms Kreutzfeldt
I cannot see the pic with my firefox, sorry, something?s wrong.

Verfasst: 01.03.2007 16:05
von Kelvin Wilson
Strange... it opens in Internet Explorer, though!


Verfasst: 01.03.2007 17:15
von Damion
With Firefox, i just get a blank page.
Trying to download the image nevertheless, my graphic converter says:"Image has been corrupted or is in an unknown file format."
Than it shows some hexcode
Same with Opera, but it worked with Safari
I will try to upload the image.

Verfasst: 01.03.2007 17:26
von Hans T.

Verfasst: 02.03.2007 09:53
von Thomas Trauner
Can?t see anything, too....


Verfasst: 02.03.2007 10:34
von Damion
Geht mir genauso. :censored:
Firefox und Opera zeigen nur ein Grafiksymbol.
Safari zegt das Bild an.
Bin mit meinem Latein am Ende. :(

Verfasst: 02.03.2007 10:39
von Hans T.


Verfasst: 02.03.2007 10:46
von Kelvin Wilson
That's it!!

Thanks :-) Kelvin

Verfasst: 02.03.2007 10:49
von Damion
Bingo!! :)

Was hast du geändert??

Verfasst: 02.03.2007 11:04
von Hans T.
Bild kopiert und auf meinem Server abgelegt.


Verfasst: 02.03.2007 11:07
von Hans T.
Never seen before. I have no idea what the purpose of this mask was.
The round eye holes reminds me on roman theater masks. Are you sure that it is made from metal?


Verfasst: 02.03.2007 11:24
von Kelvin Wilson
No, I am not sure it is of metal, in fact. The site that shows it I believe refers to theater masks too.. says this one might have been painted with 'war paint'.


Verfasst: 02.03.2007 12:26
von Thomas Trauner
Something known about the size or date ?
Never heard about a "barbaric" theatre mask.....
Strange thing.


Verfasst: 03.03.2007 09:40
von Kelvin Wilson
I've found it!!

There is a colour picture on this page: with a caption saying that it is "a small mask of a germanic face wearing a Suebian knot in the BM (Blaccus Collection). It had traces of red pigment on the face."

Because of the red paint, it is suggested that this is a (rare!) portrait of a Batavian. The same page quotes Martialis, the 1st century author: "I am a potters jest, the mask of a red faced Batavian. Though you make fun of it, a boy fears this face."

Looking at the photograph, the object seems to be on display at the British Museum. I will try to find out more when i go back there in May.
In the meantime, can anyone else now say something more... what, for instance, is the Blaccus Collection?

Thank you,

Kelvin Wilson