The Earliest Matches

Moderatoren: Hans T., Nils B., Turms Kreutzfeldt, Chris, ulfr


The Earliest Matches

Beitrag von Jøran »


Ist zwar nicht meine Zeit aber ich fand es interessant und obwohl ich kaum Zeit habe, wollte ich
das Euch nicht vorenthalten:

Cylindrical objects made usually of fired clay but sometimes of stone were found at the Yarmukian Pottery Neolithic sites of Sha‘ar HaGolan and Munhata (first half of the 8th millennium BP) in the Jordan Valley. Similar objects have been reported from other Near Eastern Pottery Neolithic sites. Most scholars have interpreted them as cultic objects in the shape of phalli, while others have referred to them in more general terms as “clay pestles,” “clay rods,” and “cylindrical clay objects.” Re-examination of these artifacts leads us to present a new interpretation of their function and to suggest a reconstruction of their technology and mode of use. We suggest that these objects were components of fire drills and consider them the earliest evidence of a complex technology of fire ignition, which incorporates the cylindrical objects in the role of matches.
Quelle: ... ne.0042213


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Re: The Earliest Matches

Beitrag von ulfr »

Interessanter Artikel, vor allem die Literaturliste mit online-Verweisen ist klasse, eine Fundgrube!

Allerdings möchte ich ernsthaft bezweifeln, dass man mit einem Keramikzylinder in einer Steinplatte Feuer bohren kann. Muss den Art. mal in Ruhe lesen.
"Wenn Sie stolz sein wollen auf Ihr Volk, dann empfehle ich Ihnen den Beruf des Imkers".
Hubertus Meyer-Burckhardt