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Handabdrücke von Frauen?

Verfasst: 13.10.2013 15:38
von Blattspitze
Archaeologist Dean Snow of Pennsylvania State University analyzed hand stencils found in eight cave sites in France and Spain. By comparing the relative lengths of certain fingers, Snow determined that three-quarters of the handprints were female.
Übersetzg.: "Der Archäologe Dean Snow von der Pennsylvania State University analysierte Hand-Abdrücke in acht Höhlen in Frankreich und Spanien. Durch den Vergleich der relativen Längen bestimmter Finger, schließt Snow, dass drei Viertel der Handabdrücke von Frauen stammen."
These hand stencils found in the El Castillo cave in Cantabria, Spain, were probably made by a man (left) and a woman (right), respectively.
Quelle: ... -cave-art/

Re: Handabdrücke von Frauen?

Verfasst: 05.12.2018 13:07
von Blattspitze
Neue (alte) Diskussion: Sind unvollständige Handabdrücke in der Höhlenkunst doch Hinweise auf amputierte Fingerglieder?
"Our review of the ethnographic literature identified 121 societies from Africa, Asia, the Americas, and Oceania that engaged in finger segment amputation, and we were able to distinguish ten distinct amputation practices within this sample. When the contexts and what we can infer about the participants are taken into account, the scenario that best fits the rock art hand images is removal of finger segments during life in order to appeal for supernatural assistance. This has potentially interesting implications for social life in the Upper Palaeolithic because traumatic religious rituals have been found to foster strong interpersonal bonds among group members and hostility towards members of other groups." ... 018-0016-8