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Konkurrenz für Laetoli

Verfasst: 20.04.2015 08:38
von ulfr
gibt es jetzt von Ileret in Kenia: ... ty-1.17346

"“What we can say is that we have a number of individuals, probably males, that are moving across a lake shore in a way that is consistent with how carnivores move,” But “hunting is a difficult thing to prove in human evolution,” Roach said"

Ein Fall für die Spurenleser, die auch schon die französischen Höhlen untersucht haben ...?

Re: Konkurrenz für Laetoli

Verfasst: 17.02.2018 09:19
von ulfr
jetzt auch in Äthiopien: ... 12721.html

Schönes Zitat:

>In those societies, “children don’t have the same privileged position they have in Western society – they are just there, and not necessarily given any special treatment,” said Professor Bennett.

“We think leaving a small child to play with stone flakes or maybe even practice a bit of hippo butchery is unusual,” he said.

“But actually it’s us that are unusual, not them.”<