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Verfasst: 19.10.2015 16:13
von Blattspitze
Polierte Schädelschüsseln als Erinnerungen?
Interessantes kopflastiges Gräberfeld in Kalifornien:
A 3,000 year-old village discovered in central California has been found to contain an unusual set of burials — with more than a half dozen individuals buried without their heads, and nearly as many others buried intact, with an extra skull by their side.

In two of the graves, the crowns of the severed skulls had even been fashioned into smooth, polished bowls. ... udy-finds/

Re: Verkopft

Verfasst: 19.10.2015 16:39
von ulfr
"Aldn, isch tu aus dein´ Schädel trinken, weißtu!"

Seltsamer Befund ...

Re: Verkopft

Verfasst: 20.10.2015 19:49
von FlintSource
Und die zurechtgeschlagenen Kalotten aus Herxheim?