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Moore: Organische Funde in Gefahr?

Verfasst: 04.11.2016 11:42
von Blattspitze
Verschlechtern sich die Erhaltungsbedingungen für organische Funde in Mooren rapide und weltweit aufgrund Klimawandel und anderer menschlicher Eingriffe?

In the first study of its kind to assess how changing environmental and geochemical conditions affect the preservation of organic remains, scientists analysed bone and wood artefacts collected from the Mesolithic site of Star Carr, North Yorkshire. They then compared this to results from lab-based experimental burials.

Comparing changes in bone and wood buried in separate containers of sand, garden compost and Star Carr peat for a year, they found unexpectedly rapid levels of organic decay in the latter environment.

Such rapid decay is thought to be the result of acidic conditions caused by fluctuations in water levels at the site, caused by the changing climate and human modifications such as land drainage. ... 143426.htm