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Fisch aufn Tisch

Verfasst: 09.04.2018 15:56
von ulfr
Wer hätte es gedacht: In der Steinzeit stand im Norden wohl eher Fisch auf dem Speiseplan: ... -much-fish

"Picture a Stone Age human on the prowl for proteins. Do you see a man hunting for a large animal with a spear or bow and arrow?
This was a common perception among researchers too – the idea of our Palaeolithic ancestors roaming about, hunting herbivores such as red deer stags, aurochs and moose.
But the prevalence of red meat in the paleo diet has probably been exaggerated, according to new research from Sweden’s Lund University.
The early inhabitants of the Nordic countries would surely have depended on what was readily available within a short range, and fish would have been a main staple."

Re: Fisch aufn Tisch

Verfasst: 09.04.2018 20:46
von Trebron
:wal: :venus: :fisch:


Re: Fisch aufn Tisch

Verfasst: 09.04.2018 21:20
von TZH