Stonehenge: Leichenbrand erklärt Herkunft?

Palaeozoologie, Palaeobotanik und alle archäologischen Hilfswissenschaften, sowie Methodendiskussionen innerhalb der Archäologie.
Beiträge: 2572
Registriert: 17.11.2007 17:38
Wohnort: Hamburg

Stonehenge: Leichenbrand erklärt Herkunft?

Beitrag von Blattspitze »

Leichenbrand ermöglicht neuerdings Aussagen zu Herkunft?

“The new isotopic evidence shows the scale and frequency of interactions between communities hundreds of miles apart,” said one of the project’s leaders, John Pouncett of Oxford University
A new scientific research collaboration is, for the first time, revealing who built Stonehenge. The cutting-edge study sheds a remarkable light on the geographical origins of the Neolithic community that first constructed the ancient site.

Complex tests carried out on 25 Neolithic people who were buried at or following the time of the initial construction of the now world-famous monument, have revealed that 10 of them lived nowhere near Stonehenge, but in western Britain, and that half of those 10 potentially came from southwest Wales (where the earliest Stonehenge monoliths came from).

The other 15 could be local to Stonehenge, Wiltshire-origin individuals, or the children of other descendants of migrants from the west. All the remains were cremations.
Up until now, it has always been assumed that it was not possible to carry out place-of-origin tests on burned bones – but recent research at Oxford University by Belgian scientist, Dr Christophe Snoeck of the Free University of Brussels, has now discovered that the act of cremation actually crystallises a bone’s structure and prevents the crucial origin-indicating isotope evidence from being contaminated by isotopic signals in the surrounding soil.
... ... 74381.html
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gegenüber der Vergangenheit tröstet, ist die
vorhersehbare Unverschämtheit der Zukunft
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