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"Ava", die Glockenbecher - Frau aus Schottland

Verfasst: 10.12.2018 15:59
von Blattspitze
stammte nach neuen DNA - Analysen von nordeuropäischen Migranten ab und hatte wohl im Gegensatz zu früherer rothaariger und blauäugiger Rekonstruktion eher dunkle Augen und dunkles glattes Haar.

"The revelation that her ancestors were recent northern European migrants is exciting, especially as we know that she has no, or very few, genetic connections with the local Neolithic population who resided in Caithness before her."
"I did not feel that she looked typical of what a person from Bronze Age Britain would have looked like, but perhaps that of a person from a more southern part of Europe." ... s-46289045