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Seltene Krankheiten ...

Verfasst: 14.03.2019 18:07
von ulfr
... in der (Ur)Geschichte waren das Thema eines aktuellen Forscherkongresses in Berlin: ... ient-times

Vielleicht wurden Menschen mit physischen Missbildungen in früheren Zeiten verehrt, wie dieser Mann aus dem 9. Jhd mit Gaumenspalte und spina bifida:

"Erika Molnar, a paleopathologist at the University of Szeged in Hungary, described a man born with a severe cleft palate and complete spina bifida around 900 C.E. in central Hungary. Breastfeeding as an infant and eating and drinking later in life would have been extremely difficult for him, but he lived well past his 18th birthday. He was buried with rich grave goods—and a horse that also had a visibly twisted muzzle known as “wry mouth.”

>Was his survival a result of high social rank at birth, or was high rank the result of his deformity?< Molnar asks. >His unique position could have been a consequence of his uncommon physical characteristics.<"