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Doch, das IST echter Bernstein ... !

Verfasst: 10.05.2019 17:04
von ulfr
Wenn man keinen beschaffen kann, behilft man sich anders: ... oric-fakes

Re: Doch, das IST echter Bernstein ... !

Verfasst: 13.05.2019 08:03
von Blattspitze
Perhaps real amber had become difficult to acquire due to increasing demand, they suggest, or perhaps the grave occupants weren’t actually as wealthy as they appear and had to opt for lower-cost lookalikes.
Or perhaps, they add, the imitation beads were “products used by middlemen to cheat the purchasers”.

Ist aber schon ein ganz wesentlicher Unterschied, ob es sich bloß um Imitationen oder aber um Betrug handelt.