Das Rätsel der Steinkugeln

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Registriert: 05.04.2006 13:56
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Das Rätsel der Steinkugeln

Beitrag von ulfr »

"Ancient archaeological sites across the Northern Hemisphere have been littered with a mystery. Where there were hominins, there too could often be found roughly rounded spheres of stone. Some have been dated back to over 2 million years ago, with marks suggesting that the balls had been deliberately shaped.

New research has discovered a plausible purpose for these strange tools: Our ancestors could have been using them to smash open bones - to get to the nutritious marrow inside."

https://www.sciencealert.com/archaeolog ... tone-balls

https://journals.plos.org/plosone/artic ... ne.0230972
"Wenn Sie stolz sein wollen auf Ihr Volk, dann empfehle ich Ihnen den Beruf des Imkers".
Hubertus Meyer-Burckhardt

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