Beer was here! A new microstructural marker ...

Palaeozoologie, Palaeobotanik und alle archäologischen Hilfswissenschaften, sowie Methodendiskussionen innerhalb der Archäologie.
Beiträge: 2572
Registriert: 17.11.2007 17:38
Wohnort: Hamburg

Beer was here! A new microstructural marker ...

Beitrag von Blattspitze »

... for malting in the archaeological record.
"Structural changes in the germinating grain, described decades ago by plant physiologists and brewing scientists alike, have now successfully been turned into a diagnostic feature for archaeological malt, even if the grains concerned are only preserved as pulverized and burnt crusts on pottery. A "small side effect" is the confirmation of the production of malt-based drinks (and beer?) in central Europe as early as the 4th millennium BC." ... 131223.htm
"Was an der Unverschämtheit des Heute
gegenüber der Vergangenheit tröstet, ist die
vorhersehbare Unverschämtheit der Zukunft
gegenüber dem Heute." Nicolás Gómez Dávila