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Bestattungen in der Bilderhöhle Grotte de Cussac

Verfasst: 18.06.2020 07:13
von Blattspitze
Known for cave art so impressive that the French Ministry of Culture has classified it a national heritage site, it also has offered up the remains of at least six humans also dated to between 25,000 and 30,000 years ago.
Researchers say that, with one possible exception, it is the only known example of human remains interred so deep within a cave that also contains artworks – and after 10 years of painstaking work an international team has revealed some interesting quirks.

First, the bodies were deliberately placed in former bear hibernation nests – a practice not documented before – and in two of the three locations the nests, which form hollowed areas on the cave floor, show signs of first being covered with red ochre. ... ad-bodies/