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Stonehenge-Megalithe als Soundverstärker?

Verfasst: 02.09.2020 06:48
von Blattspitze
Experimente mit einem 1:12 Modell legen nahe, dass Ansprachen und Musik um bis zu 20% verstärkt werden konnten:
The study suggests that the strong reverberations of instruments such as drums and lurs, a kind of bronze horn, would have been amplified between ten and 20 percent when played in the monument’s inner sanctum. ... stic-model

With social rituals usually involving sound, an archaeological understanding of a site requires the acoustics to be assessed. This paper demonstrates how this can be done with acoustic scale models. Scale modelling is an established method in architectural acoustics, but it has not previously been applied to prehistoric monuments. The Stonehenge model described here allows the acoustics in the Late Neolithic and early Bronze Age to be quantified and the effects on musical sounds and speech to be inferred. It was found that the stone reflections create an average mid-frequency reverberation time of (0.64 ± 0.03) seconds and an amplification of (4.3 ± 0.9) dB for speech. ... The amplification could have aided speech communication and the reverberation improved musical sounds. ... 0320301394