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Jungpaläolithische "Knochen-Matrjoschka"?

Verfasst: 19.07.2021 13:24
von Blattspitze
"Scientists believe that the ancient ‘Russian doll’ - or ‘Matryoshka’ - was likely used for ritual or religious purposes.

‘There was a niche, a deepening, carved in a mammoth thigh, a skull of an Arctic fox was vertically placed inside there and then, separately, a lower jaw was added, alike to some kind of Palaeolithic Matryoshka.

‘This was perhaps one of the early worshipping items, or it was used in rituals’, archeologist Sergey Leshchinsky, who led the expedition to the Volchya Griva site told The Siberian Times."

Außerdem große Mengen Mammutknochen mit z.T. aus der oberen Schicht stammenden Hinweisen auf Mangelerscheinungen und mind. 500km weit herantransportierte Bergkristall-Artefakte: ... n-siberia/