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Teenager - Kontinuitäten

Verfasst: 16.03.2022 21:30
von Blattspitze
"They were promiscuous, rarely home and thought they knew everything. They were teenagers from centuries ago, and by studying their bones and teeth, bioarcheologists can confirm that teens have always been a source of worry for their parents." ... nts-174376

Re: Teenager - Kontinuitäten

Verfasst: 17.03.2022 10:35
von ulfr
"In the Upper Paleolithic (50,000 to 12,000 years ago) and Neolithic (around 12,000 to 6,500 years ago), teenagers were innovative and played an important role in the origin and spread of new ideas. They were highly mobile, creative and felt driven to meet and interact with new groups."

Woraus schließt er das? Für Zeiten mit schriftlichen Quellen wie bei den ´öme´n kann ich das ja noch nachvollziehen, aber soziologische Aussagen über eiszeitliche Jugendliche zu treffen finde ich enorm steil ...